Comments On Blog Posts

25 Mesmerizing Tactics To Get More Comments On Your WordPress Blog

For a blogger, the growth of the blog has the major concern than anything else. There are many things which can show the growth of your blog. Can you measure the growth of your blog without any analytical tool? You can, there are many signs which show that your blog is growing.

From which the no. of comments is the one. But how to get more comments on your WordPress blog? That’s the hard part to deal with. Most of the users check whether your blog is legitimate or not just with the count of the comments on your blog posts.

Do you want them to give them a reason to stay on your blog so that they can trust your content? It can be done if you attain the level to get more comments on WordPress blog posts.

Get Comments on Blog Posts Using These Tactics

You may be thinking what are the tactics to increase the count of the no. of the comments. Well, it’s not a rocket science. You can’t get the results within one day. It takes years to build relationships and trust across your business.

I am going to provide the best techniques which can help you to enhance people’s engagement with your blog posts which would tend to get more comments on WordPress.

The list goes like this:-

1. The Questionable Headings

Whenever you write a blog post then try to start with a question so that people would have an excitement to know more about it. We are human beings and we like to find out about some secret things.

If you are the one who can initiate the fire of excitement then people would comment on your blog posts to show their reaction.

2. Make It Easy To Comment

Never use the CAPTCHA. Most of the people get annoyed when they see a box to fill, the names and numbers before submitting the comment. You can use the checkbox which is the best and safe for you and your readers.

3. Appreciate Your Readers

Whenever people comment on your blog then make sure that you appreciate their comment. They have shown their kind gesture on your blog posts and you should do the same by replying with a positive comment.

If you just accept the comment and sit to wait for the next comment then I am sorry, you would get disappointed.

4. Make a Connection With Your Readers

It’s very important that your content can mesmerize your readers. People need to have some kind of knowledgeable information from the content you offer.

No one is willing to engage with a worthless content.

5. Raise Questions While Solving The problem

To get more comments on WordPress blog posts, you should always try to raise the questions on the topic while solving that. You should try to find out more questions within one topic. Suppose you are writing about creating a navigation menu in WordPress.

You should also combine the question to create the drop-down menu in the navigation menu. It would increase your readers’ curiosity and they will come back to your website to see your new post.

6. Guide Your Readers To Comment

By providing the comment box, you have shown that your readers can put their comments on your blog posts and share their thoughts anytime they want. But it would be great if you show them some instructions by writing a few lines under or above the comment box to make them feel secure.

7. Ask For Comments

There is an indirect way to ask for the comments from your readers. Raise a few questions in your blog post that should be answered by your readers. Ask for their opinions and they will be happy to show the engagement through the comment box.

8. Social Networks Are Always There

You may be thinking how is it possible to get comments on blog posts from social networking website. We, you can do that if you know the effective ways to use social media. Engage with your followers on the social networks and share their content. They would return the favor for sure.

9. Reciprocate The Action

Whenever people come to your blog and share their thoughts on your blog posts then you should always visit their website and do the same. It would show that you know the value of their hard work to take the time to visit your blog and comment on the blog post.

10. The Comment Worthy Content

It’s always said that if you have the quality content then you would be the winner in every aspect. Even getting comments on blog posts. People like to comment on the content which is worthy. Don’t just drop the bunch of lines to fill the space.

11. Show Top Commenters

People like to get featured on other blogs. You can do for your readers who comment the most on your blog posts. It can be done using the plugin. There are many plugins to show the no. of comments with the author.

12. Reach To Other Blogs

The most important thing to do is making the human bonds with your readers and other bloggers. Always show your presence on other blogs with your comment. People like when they get the comments and they would be showing the same on your blog posts.

13. A Questionable Conclusion

When you write any blog post the make sure that you leave the questions to get answered by your readers. Ask your readers to comments on your blog post. It’s not like “can you comment on my post?” No, not like that. Just show that you are always to help your readers and they can ask anything related to the content.

14. Write About Your Personal Experience

People like to know about the success stories. If you show them how did you achieve your goals through a blog post then you would definitely get more comments on WordPress post. Sharing is always effective.

15. Use Your Email List

There are many people who don’t like to comment on your blog for the first time they visit. If you provide them a free an easy guide about something to subscribe your blog then it would be great to increase the engagement. They would come to your blog for sharing their thoughts about your content.

16. Ask Questions While Replying

When you reply to the comments then ask them about their opinions as to how did they come to the conclusion and something related to your blog post topic. It always works. People feel like appreciated and wanted.

17. Improve The Traffic

The most simple theory is that if you can drive traffic to your blog the more people will able to read your content and the more is the possibility to get comments on blog posts.

18. Speed Up Your Website

You may have noticed that on some websites when you try to submit your comment then they take a lot of time to finish the action. I am sure you won’t like to do that on your website. Improve the speed of your website by using caching plugins, browser caching, reducing HTTP requests.

19. Provide Options To Follow Your Comments And Blog In The Comments

People would crave to see the response you give to their comments. It is a good idea if you provide the options to get the emails of the comments, reply to the comments, blog posts emails.

20. Don’t Forget Your Old Posts

Most of the bloggers forget their old posts and close the comments. You will get more comments on WordPress if you enable the comments on your old posts too. Some bloggers allow the people to comment for a few days. I mean why? What if your readers want to ask something related to those old posts?

21. Show Recent Comments

To increase the people’s engagement you can display the recent comments on the sidebar or in the footer widgets of your blog. It will help your readers to read the current conversation.

22. Write With Passion And Show The Charm

Try to connect with your blog and think about your readers while writing the blog posts. The passion you have for the writing should be shown in your blog posts. People appreciate the real efforts which would get you more comments on blog posts.

23. Create A “Thank You” Page

It is a good idea to create a custom page for your readers to say thanks. After submitting the comment, they will see the thank you page. It really helps because people feel special when they receive such greetings.

24. Reduce The Publish Frequency

One of the reasons that you are not getting more comments on your blog posts is that you post often. Well, if you want to get more comments then try to maintain the gap between your posts.

25. Show Your Skills In The Reply

While replying to the comments, you should know how to engage your readers in the conversation. Appreciate them, try to bring out their opinions, ask a few questions, ask for the advice.

Are You Trying To Get More Comments On WordPress Blog

The question “how to get more comments on your WordPress blog” has got an answer here. The list shown above can help you to improve the no. of comments on your blog posts. People always like to get appreciated. This is the best thing to remember.

If you show your engagements in other’s conversation then they will do the same on yours. In this blogosphere, the bloggers like to connect with the fellow bloggers and comments are the best way to start.

Sharing your opinions and asking for your readers will get you more comments on blog posts. If still want to know about anything then let me know.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Informative post indeed ?

    Yes, you mentioned some great ways to get comments on our blogs, though the best way is to really get involved in the post and share your real feelings with the reader – write as you are speaking to the author is how I like it best.

    I agree about CommentLuv, though after a while, once you make your own community, you don’t really need it – just my two cents. ?

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead ?

    1. Hey Harleena,

      The best a blogger can do is to do the best with the content. There should n’t be anything like passing the content. The true passion and involvement should be there.

      People should give their 100% while writing the article. CommentLuv attracts readers to comment on your website. I agree that if you have your community then there is no need to use such plugins. Just the simple comment box would do fine.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Have a great day.


  2. Hey, Ravi…!

    You have a great of ideas related to getting more comment to WordPress blog.

    I love what you wrote about sharing personal experience and story. I would agree this point of view. The different people have different stories, and it would be most attractive if you can share the story in the article.

    I don’t think that Commentluv is the most reason which forced people to comment on a blog, but it’s a great to reward our commentator. Yeah. I’m using commentluv as it could give me more traffic. Some people put me on the list of commentluv bloggers. The reason, you got lots of comments on your blog as you’re an widely active commentator. I found you almost everywhere of bloggers’ blog.

    Thanks for sharing. Keep up your great working…

    1. Hi Kimsea,

      It’s always believed that if you try to share your story then people would able to connect with you which would tend to get more comments. There should be a genuine experience which can help your readers to learn something.

      Most of the people seek for the CommentLuv enabled blogs to comment. It would be plus point if you have enabled the plugin. No doubt that your social presence and the frequency of commenting decides to get more comments.

      Glad to have you.

      Have a rocking day.


  3. Hey Ravi,

    These are all good tips on how to get more comments on your blog posts.

    I think that first, you have to start with good content, maybe something unique, or if not unique, something with your own spin on it. The main thing is to be yourself when you write. People will notice this.

    I like the idea of starting your blog with a question. I think this is a clear call-to-action for the reader to respond to your article.

    I really love comment luv, as it gives the commentor a little reward for commenting. I jut love all of the features that it provides and still use it on my blog. Not only does it encourage commenting, it also helps with spam. It is just a good tool to use.

    I also believe that responding to comments on your blog is important. This gives the reader verification that you read their comment and appreciate that they stopped by.

    Having a thank you page is a good idea. I believe comment luv will allow you to do this, I will have to check. I made even do this with my site.

    Thanks Ravi for this very informative post and I am off to share it.

    I hope you have a great week!


    1. Hi Rob,

      People like to visit a website with the content to share and which can educate them. They don’t like something which was provided just for the fun. Being yourself while writing is always good.

      Using the CommentLuv plugin would let people place their post link and you can decide about the backlinks. It attracts the people to comment.

      When you ask a question then people think about joining the conversation which is always better.

      A thank you page let people have a gratitude.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a great day.


  4. Hi Ravi,

    Thanks for the tons of valuable information you have shared. It is true that engaging with people will create more of a relationship. Asking questions is a great way but unfortunately some do not realize to ask the questions and try to bring out a conversation with your people who are commenting.

    As you mentioned, it is a good idea to share more of yourself with people to make them feel more comfortable. They will keep coming back to find out more.

    Thanks again for sharing your knowledge.

    1. Hi Monna,

      I am glad that you found it valuable.

      There are many people who crave for more comments on their blog. They should always try to focus on the human bonding. It always works. Asking question in your articles and the replies keep the conversation.

      No doubt that people like to read something with which they can relate. If you share your experiences then they would join the conversation for sure.

      Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts.

      Have a nice day.


  5. Hi Ravi

    21 Awesome ideas to get comments on a blog. Indeed I agree with you 100%. This is a must read for bloggers . Iike the idea of asking questions as it always boosts engagement. Also reciprocation helps a blog . Thanks Ravi for this great post. Take Care

    1. Hey Ikechi,

      It’s good to see after a long time.:)

      The bloggers should try to spread their ideas so that more people can engage in the conversation. You should always reciprocate because people don’t like to visit a blog if the owner doesn’t appreciate them by returning the favour.

      Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

      Enjoy the day.


  6. Hi Ravi

    You’ve made some great points here. Personally, I’ve found that being an active commenter on other blogs helped to get me more blog comments.

    Another thing that helped is simply aiming for exceptional quality with every blog post.


    1. Hey Clement,

      Blog commenting always works. If you keep visiting other blogs and share your thoughts then it would be great for your social brand and you would increase the interaction with other bloggers.

      People want to read the content which has the quality. You should try your best.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a great day.


  7. Hi Ravi,

    I like the one about writing about your personal experience, and how you solved a problem. For me, I like to write as though I’m talking to a friend that I haven’t met yet. Not all of my posts are like that, but some are.

    Thanks for the excellent post!

    Carol Stephen

    1. Hey Carol,

      It’s always good to connect with your readers by letting them know about your personal experience. People will feel connected and will share their thoughts.

      Assuming like you are talking to a friend is the best thing to do. I have read many posts which can drive their readers into them.

      Thanks for sharing your words.

      Enjoy the weekend.


  8. Hi Ravi,

    These tactics are spot on! I don’t know what I would ever do without CommentLuv. It makes it so easy for others to click and reciprocate. Reciprocity is the name of the game.

    A good practice to keep up with your comments is to go to your commenter’s blog first before you reply. This way you won’t miss anyone that has done the kindness to comment on your blog.

    I also love the idea of making comments easy and never using CAPTCHA My goodness..I cannot tell you how many times I’ve written a comment and lost it because of that. Make things simple all the way around and people will love you.


    1. Hey Donna,

      CommentLuv is an amazing plugin. Sometimes, the bloggers get confused to find the posts and then CommenLuv comes into the action. It’s really easy to interact with other bloggers by visiting their blog link.

      There should always be a strategy before commenting. Some bloggers just drop a few lines like feedback.

      I have always hated the CAPTCHA in the comment section. I agree with you, most of the time we lose the comment just because of that.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Have a great weekend.


  9. Hi Ravi,

    Thanks for putting these suggestions together. I’ve tried some of these tactics and they do work. On the other hand, there are some new ideas I got from your post that I will definitely try.

    The one tactic that truly works is reciprocation. ?

    Already shared your post. ? Have a great day and weekend.


    1. Hey Cori,

      Blog commenting is always the best way to connect with the people. If you do it the right way then you will get more comments. The bloggers should always reciprocate.

      People don’t like to visit a website whose owner doesn’t appreciate them.

      Thanks for dropping your input.

      Have a great day.


  10. Hey Ravi

    Solving the problem… not many personal bloggers are good at doing this. I know, yes it’s great that for a personal blog it’s best to write personal, emotional stories, but why not share stories AND try to help others at the same time? You know what I mean?

    Super post and great reminders.


    1. Hi Rhonda,

      There are many people who share their personal life and their emotions through writing. It would be great if they solve the problem of their readers along with sharing their stories.

      You would find it difficult to find such bloggers. That’s the reason most of the bloggers are failing to get comments.

      Thanks for taking time to share.

      Have a great weekend.


  11. Hey Ravi,

    The one thing that you’ll notice is that the average person her applies these tips usually have a nice number of comments.

    Being genuine and practicing the law of reciprocity are two simple actions that’ll do the trick.

    I like the fact that you mentioned decreasing the frequency of publishing your blog posts. Many think that the more yoy publish the more comments and traffic you’ll get. This is not necessarily true because it depends on your audience.

    Thanks for sharing Ravi! Have a great weekend!

    1. Hi Sherman,

      People like to visit the blog with where they are appreciated for their comments. The bloggers should respect their readers. The reciprocity is something we all should practice.

      I agree with you, people think that they would get more comments if they provide more content. But it doesn’t go like this. It’s better to focus on the quality than quantity.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a great day.


  12. Hey Ravi,

    This was a great one.

    I’m going to assume this, but I think #24 came to a surprise for a lot of people.

    I started publishing less and I still got just as many comments on a few of my posts as when I was publishing more frequently.

    But you definitely don’t have to publish everyday or once a week. It can definitely be more damaging than helpful depending on a number of factors.

    Thanks for sharing these tips! Have a good one!

    1. Hi Sherman,

      The possibility of getting the same number of comments when you publish daily isn’t that much as once a week. But still, it varies blog to blog.

      It’s always been a debating topic about the post publishing schedule. Every blogger does something different.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your day.


  13. Hi Ravi,

    Great information and tips on how to get more blog comments. I believe commenting on other blogs is one of the best way to get more comments on your blog and as well drive massive traffic. As you mentioned, “reciprocate” the love. How do you reciprocate the love if a fellow blogger comments on your blog a number of times but you cannot take a minute to return the favor even ones? However, not everyone will return the favor, but it certainly works well. Appreciate the work of other bloggers by making blog comments and they will return the love.

    Thanks for sharing.

  14. Hi Ravi, great points here with the comments. I love commenting on posts that I can add something to or ask questions.

    One of my pet peeves is like Donna said having the Chapta stuff to go through. Another is slow commenting systems – Disqus used to be but they have improved it. I could not use it on mobile for the longest time.

    I think comments are the backbone of a blog. They help you to gauge what you readers know or don’t know and what they like, etc.

    Thanks for the tips and have a great new week Ravi!

  15. Hi Ravi,

    Your blog is one of the most active places I’ve seen. Everytime you publish a new post, many bloggers will come across and leave a meaningful comments.

    Unlike other site where “thank, cool” these are the common replies, your blog comments actually provide value.

    And now I know the secrets. Thanks for sharing.

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